Broad Spectrum Geekery

Broad Spectrum Geek

Monday 12 May 2014

The never-ending mountain

Like most gamers, I have a ton of unpainted miniatures awaiting attention. Worse yet, I have many an unassembled miniature, although I don't think I have anything still shrink wrapped...

Why do I do this to myself? Why, given a limited amount of time to spend hobbying, do I insist on making sure that I'll never get it all done? What am I punishing myself for?

Many people will have encountered the dreaded "lead mountain", or "resin mountain", or "injection moulded plastic mountain", so why do we perpetuate the situation by continuing to add to it?

It's as if Sisyphus, at five o' clock every day, reached down, jammed a rock under his huge boulder, then went back to the bottom of the mountain. There, he would go to the rock store (which is probably way out of town, or in a district where the rent is so high he can barely turn around inside it), and spend a goodly chunk of that day's wages on more rocks. Then, he'd trek back up the mountain, past his boulder, right to the top, and drop his newly purchased rocks there, making that mountain just a little higher.

Kind of cray-cray when you think about it, right? You know what makes it worse? Sisyphus has another job. One that pays. He even has a life outside of rock rolling. He loves rolling that rock though - so much so, he never really wants it to end, which is why he keeps buying more mountain.

I, Wargamer

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